Concha fina smooth clams

The Concha de la Costa –the quality label brand for Málaga concha fina smooth clams – is one of our favourite molluscs. This bivalve is a species of giant clam that, when eaten raw, creates a burst of salty freshness on your palate.


The Concha de la Costa –the quality label brand for Málaga concha fina smooth clams – is one of our favourite molluscs. This bivalve is a species of giant clam that, when eaten raw, creates a burst of salty freshness on your palate. The clam’s white-reddish, sometimes orange, flesh, is quickly sucked with great pleasure. Over the years, there are more and more ways to prepare them: due to the whims of globalisation, the concha fina clam can even be found in something as intricate as sushi, though here we enjoy it in pil pil sauce, with pipirrana salad, al ajoblanco and even au gratin. However, our favourite way of eating this clam is raw, as locals and visitors alike enjoy it. As an appetizer, with a few drops of lemon juice and a little black pepper, they are simply unbeatable!



  • Fresh concha fina clams
  • Lemon juice
  • Black pepper


Concha fina clams must be bought and prepared almost at once to guarantee their freshness. First of all, they must be cleaned. It is advisable to tap them slightly before opening them with a knife, in order to remove any dirt. You must separate the flesh from the shell in order to eat them, having previously sprinkled them with lemon and a dash of pepper.