Berza Malagueña

Every region in Spain has its typical charismatic stew: cocido madrileño, fabada asturiana, pote gallego or escudella catalana. Our contribution is berza malagueña.


Every region in Spain has its typical charismatic stew: cocido madrileño, fabada asturiana, pote gallego or escudella catalana. Our contribution is berza malagueña. Because, when the temperature drops, a hearty meal is well appreciated. This dish has its origin in the countryside, and therefore in an environment of survival, namely: putting everything at hand into a pot. Whatever was available.

With more or less  “pringá” (consisting of pork and by-products, but also other less fatty meats, such as veal or hen meat), there are many varieties, such as stews made of sprouts, green beans, or pumpkin…



  • Chickpeas
  • Veal shank
  • Chicken or hen meat
  • A bone
  • Pig’s tail
  • Fatty baco
  • Colmenar blood sausage
  • Green beans
  • Carrots
  • Pumpkin
  • Broad beans
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Paprika, pepper, caraway seeds, salt


Leave the chickpeas to soak the night before, in warm water with a little salt. Next morning, cook the stew base by putting all the ingredients except the blood sausage and vegetables into a large pot. The stew will be ready in three quarters of an hour, or 20 minutes if using an express cooker. Set aside while you prepare the sauce for the stew, with garlic and the rest of spices, which are mashed together in the mortar. Add the sauce and the rest of the vegetables. Finally, add the blood sausage.